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Sambalpur (Sambalpur Town) Population 2025

Sambalpur city is governed by Municipal Corporation which comes under Sambalpur Metropolitan Region. The Sambalpur city is located in Orissa state of India.

The current estimate population of Sambalpur city in 2025 is 267,000 , while Sambalpur metro population is estimated at 393,000 . The last census was conducted in 2011 and the schedule census for Sambalpur city in 2021 was postponed due to Covid. The current estimates of Sambalpur city are based on past growth rate. Once govt conducts census for Sambalpur city, we will update the same here in 2025. As per provisional reports of Census India, population of Sambalpur in 2011 is 184,000. Although Sambalpur city has population of 184,000; its urban / metropolitan population is 270,331.

Sambalpur Literacy Rate and Sex Ratio

In education section, total literates in Sambalpur city are 140,473 of which 76,282 are males while 64,191 are females. Average literacy rate of Sambalpur city is 85.53 percent of which male and female literacy was 90.51 and 80.27 percent. The sex ratio of Sambalpur city is 943 per 1000 males. Child sex ratio of girls is 892 per 1000 boys.

Sambalpur Slum Population

Total no. of Slums in Sambalpur city & its Out Growth numbers 5,006 in which population of 22,609 resides. This is around 11.94% of total population of Sambalpur city & its outgrowth which is 189,366.

Sambalpur Religion

Hinduism is majority religion in Sambalpur city with 88.70 % followers. Islam is second most popular religion in city of Sambalpur with approximately 8.13 % following it. In Sambalpur city, Christinity is followed by 1.84 %, Jainism by 0.01 %, Sikhism by 0.86 % and Buddhism by 0.06 %. Around 0.13 % stated 'Other Religion', approximately 0.28 % stated 'No Particular Religion'.
Religion Percentage Total
Hindu 88.70 % 167,963
Muslims 8.13 % 15,397
Christian 1.84 % 3,475
Sikh 0.86 % 1,631
Buddhist 0.06 % 105
Jain 0.01 % 25
Others 0.13 % 248
Not Stated 0.28 % 522

Sambalpur Future Population 2021-2031

Sambalpur City Metropolitan
2011 184,000 270,331
2021 239,000 351,000
2022 246,000 361,000
2023 253,000 371,000
2024 260,000 382,000
2025 267,000 393,000
2026 275,000 404,000
2027 283,000 416,000
2028 291,000 428,000
2029 299,000 440,000
2030 307,000 453,000
2031 316,000 466,000
Sambalpur City 2011 Total Male Female
City + Out Growths 189,366 97,460 91,906
City Population 184,000 94,722 89,278
Literates 140,473 76,282 64,191
Children (0-6) 19,759 10,446 9,313
Average Literacy (%) 85.53 % 90.51 % 80.27 %
Sexratio 943
Child Sexratio 892

Sambalpur Metropolitan Region

Sambalpur city comes under Sambalpur Metropolitan area.
Sambalpur Metropolitan Total Male Female
Population 270,331 138,939 131,392
Literates 205,343 111,845 93,498
Children (0-6) 29,187 15,367 13,820
Average Literacy (%) 85.15 % 90.51 % 79.52 %
Sexratio 946
Child Sexratio 899
Sambalpur Metropolitan Areas
Amsadha Katapali Area, Burla Town, Dhankauda & Mathapali (OG) (Ward 30), Dhankauda & Mathapali (OG) (Ward 31), Hirakud Town, and Sambalpur