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Anantapur Population 2025

Anantapur city is governed by Municipal Corporation which comes under Anantapur Metropolitan Region. The Anantapur city is located in Andhra Pradesh state of India.

The current estimate population of Anantapur city in 2025 is 380,000 , while Anantapur metro population is estimated at 496,000 . The last census was conducted in 2011 and the schedule census for Anantapur city in 2021 was postponed due to Covid. The current estimates of Anantapur city are based on past growth rate. Once govt conducts census for Anantapur city, we will update the same here in 2025. As per provisional reports of Census India, population of Anantapur in 2011 is 261,004. Although Anantapur city has population of 261,004; its urban / metropolitan population is 340,613.

Anantapur Literacy Rate and Sex Ratio

In education section, total literates in Anantapur city are 191,779 of which 103,160 are males while 88,619 are females. Average literacy rate of Anantapur city is 81.23 percent of which male and female literacy was 87.67 and 74.83 percent. The sex ratio of Anantapur city is 996 per 1000 males. Child sex ratio of girls is 900 per 1000 boys.

Anantapur Slum Population

Total no. of Slums in Anantapur city & its Out Growth numbers 20,599 in which population of 85,406 resides. This is around 31.97% of total population of Anantapur city & its outgrowth which is 267,161.

Anantapur Religion

Hinduism is majority religion in Anantapur city with 77.16 % followers. Islam is second most popular religion in city of Anantapur with approximately 20.72 % following it. In Anantapur city, Christinity is followed by 1.42 %, Jainism by 0.19 %, Sikhism by 0.10 % and Buddhism by 0.01 %. Around 0.01 % stated 'Other Religion', approximately 0.39 % stated 'No Particular Religion'.
Religion Percentage Total
Hindu 77.16 % 206,134
Muslims 20.72 % 55,352
Christian 1.42 % 3,784
Sikh 0.10 % 272
Buddhist 0.01 % 36
Jain 0.19 % 513
Others 0.01 % 16
Not Stated 0.39 % 1,054

Anantapur Future Population 2021-2031

Anantapur City Metropolitan
2011 261,004 340,613
2021 339,000 442,000
2022 349,000 455,000
2023 359,000 468,000
2024 369,000 482,000
2025 380,000 496,000
2026 391,000 510,000
2027 402,000 525,000
2028 414,000 540,000
2029 426,000 556,000
2030 438,000 572,000
2031 451,000 589,000
Anantapur City 2011 Total Male Female
City + Out Growths 267,161 133,919 133,242
City Population 261,004 130,777 130,227
Literates 191,779 103,160 88,619
Children (0-6) 24,912 13,109 11,803
Average Literacy (%) 81.23 % 87.67 % 74.83 %
Sexratio 996
Child Sexratio 900

Anantapur Metropolitan Region

Anantapur city comes under Anantapur Metropolitan area.
Anantapur Metropolitan Total Male Female
Population 340,613 171,568 169,045
Literates 242,240 131,842 110,398
Children (0-6) 33,918 17,871 16,047
Average Literacy (%) 78.98 % 85.78 % 72.16 %
Sexratio 985
Child Sexratio 898
Anantapur Metropolitan Areas
Anantapur, Anantapur, Kakkalapalle, Narayanapuram, Papampeta, and Raptadu (Part)