South Twenty Four Parganas (South 24 Parganas) District - Population 2011-2025
An official Census 2011 detail of South Twenty Four Parganas (South 24 Parganas), a district of West Bengal
has been released by Directorate of Census Operations in West Bengal. Enumeration of key persons was also done by census officials in South Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal.
In 2011, South Twenty Four Parganas had population of 8,161,961 of which male and female were 4,173,778 and 3,988,183 respectively. In 2001 census, South Twenty Four Parganas had a population of 6,906,689 of which males
were 3,564,993 and remaining 3,341,696 were females. South Twenty Four Parganas District population
constituted 8.94 percent of total Maharashtra population. In 2001 census, this figure for South Twenty Four Parganas District was at 8.61
percent of Maharashtra population.
There was change of 18.17 percent in the population compared to population as per 2001. In the previous census of India 2001, South Twenty Four Parganas District recorded increase
of 20.85 percent to its population compared to 1991.
South Twenty Four Parganas Literacy Rate
Average literacy rate of South Twenty Four Parganas in 2011 were 77.51 compared to 77.51 of 2001. If things are looked out at gender wise, male and female literacy were 83.35 and 71.40 respectively. For 2001 census, same figures stood at 79.19 and 59.01 in South Twenty Four Parganas District. Total literate in South Twenty Four Parganas District were 5,531,657 of which male and female were 3,043,277 and 2,488,380 respectively. In 2001, South Twenty Four Parganas District had 4,067,343 in its district.
South Twenty Four Parganas Sex Ratio
With regards to Sex Ratio in South Twenty Four Parganas, it stood at 956 per 1000 male compared to 2001 census figure of 937. The average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per latest reports of Census 2011 Directorate. In 2011 census, child sex ratio is 963 girls per 1000 boys compared to figure of 964 girls per 1000 boys of 2001 census data.
South Twenty Four Parganas District Religion Data
Description | Percentage | Population 2011 |
Hindu | 63.17 % | 5,155,545 |
Muslims | 35.57 % | 2,903,075 |
Christian | 0.81 % | 66,498 |
Sikh | 0.03 % | 2,783 |
Buddhist | 0.03 % | 2,494 |
Jain | 0.01 % | 972 |
Others | 0.07 % | 6,065 |
Not Stated | 0.30 % | 24,529 |
South Twenty Four Parganas Population 2024 - 2025
What is the population of South Twenty Four Parganas district in 2025 ? The question though important has no correct answer. The last census of South Twenty Four Parganas was done in 2011 and next census of 2021 has been postponed or cancelled. But we can do projection of future South Twenty Four Parganas 2025 Population on the basis likely Population Growth Rate.Year | Projected Population | |
2011 | 8,161,961 | 81.62 Lakhs |
2021 | 9,420,000 | 94.23 Lakhs |
2022 | 9,540,000 | 95.47 Lakhs |
2023 | 9,650,000 | 96.53 Lakhs |
2024 | 9,740,000 | 97.45 Lakhs |
2025 | 9,820,000 | 98.23 Lakhs |
2026 | 9,890,000 | 98.91 Lakhs |
2027 | 9,940,000 | 99.48 Lakhs |
2028 | 9,990,000 | 99.98 Lakhs |
2029 | 10,030,000 | 1.00 Crores |
2030 | 10,070,000 | 1.01 Crores |
2031 | 10,100,000 | 1.01 Crores |
South Twenty Four Parganas Population 2011 - 2001
Description | 2011 | 2001 |
Population | 81.62 Lakhs | 69.07 Lakhs |
Actual Population | 8,161,961 | 6,906,689 |
Male | 4,173,778 | 3,564,993 |
Female | 3,988,183 | 3,341,696 |
Population Growth | 18.17% | 20.85% |
Area Sq. Km | 9,960 | 9,960 |
Density/km2 | 819 | 693 |
Proportion to West Bengal Population | 8.94% | 8.61% |
Sex Ratio (Per 1000) | 956 | 937 |
Child Sex Ratio (0-6 Age) | 963 | 964 |
Average Literacy | 77.51 | 69.45 |
Male Literacy | 83.35 | 79.19 |
Female Literacy | 71.40 | 59.01 |
Total Child Population (0-6 Age) | 1,025,679 | 1,050,120 |
Child Proportion (0-6 Age) | 12.57% | 15.20% |
South Twenty Four Parganas Child Population
In census enumeration, data regarding child under 0-6 age were also collected for all districts including South Twenty Four Parganas. There were total 1,025,679 children under age of 0-6 against 1,050,120 of 2001 census. Of total 1,025,679 male and female were 522,552 and 503,127 respectively. Child Sex Ratio as per census 2011 was 963 compared to 964 of census 2001. In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 12.57 percent of South Twenty Four Parganas District compared to 15.20 percent of 2001. There was net change of -2.63 percent in this compared to previous census of India.
South Twenty Four Parganas Houseless Data
In 2011, total 1,408 families live on footpath or without any roof cover in South Twenty Four Parganas district of West Bengal. Total Population of all who lived without roof at the time of Census 2011 numbers to 5,436. This approx 0.066601641443766% of total population of South Twenty Four Parganas district.
South Twenty Four Parganas District Density
The initial provisional data released by census India 2011, shows that density of South Twenty Four Parganas district for 2011 is 819 people per sq. km. In 2001, South Twenty Four Parganas district density was at 693 people per sq. km. South Twenty Four Parganas district administers 9,960 square kilometers of areas.
South Twenty Four Parganas District Urban/Rural 2011
Out of the total South Twenty Four Parganas population for 2011 census, 25.58 percent lives in urban regions of district. In total 2,087,773 people lives in urban areas of which males are 1,064,559 and females are 1,023,214.
Sex Ratio in urban region of South Twenty Four Parganas district is 961 as per 2011 census data. Similarly child sex ratio in South Twenty Four Parganas district was 957 in 2011 census.
Child population (0-6) in urban region was 219,264 of which males and females were 112,054 and 107,210. This child population figure of South Twenty Four Parganas district is 10.53 % of total urban population.
Average literacy rate in South Twenty Four Parganas district as per census 2011 is 82.67 % of which males and females are 86.76 % and 78.42 % literates respectively.
In actual number 1,544,779 people are literate in urban region of which males and females are 826,425 and 718,354 respectively.
As per 2011 census, 74.42 % population of South Twenty Four Parganas districts lives in rural areas of villages. The total South Twenty Four Parganas district population living in rural areas is 6,074,188 of which males and females are 3,109,219 and 2,964,969 respectively.
In rural areas of South Twenty Four Parganas district, sex ratio is 954 females per 1000 males. If child sex ratio data of South Twenty Four Parganas district is considered, figure is 964 girls per 1000 boys.
Child population in the age 0-6 is 806,415 in rural areas of which males were 410,498 and females were 395,917. The child population comprises 13.20 % of total rural population of South Twenty Four Parganas district.
Literacy rate in rural areas of South Twenty Four Parganas district is 75.68 % as per census data 2011. Gender wise, male and female literacy stood at 82.14 and 68.90 percent respectively.
In total, 3,986,878 people were literate of which males and females were 2,216,852 and 1,770,026 respectively.
All details regarding South 24 Parganas District have been processed by us after receiving from Govt. of India. We are not responsible for errors to population census details of South Twenty Four Parganas District.
Description | Rural | Urban |
Population (%) | 74.42 % | 25.58 % |
Total Population | 6,074,188 | 2,087,773 |
Male Population | 3,109,219 | 1,064,559 |
Female Population | 2,964,969 | 1,023,214 |
Sex Ratio | 954 | 961 |
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) | 964 | 957 |
Child Population (0-6) | 806,415 | 219,264 |
Male Child(0-6) | 410,498 | 112,054 |
Female Child(0-6) | 395,917 | 107,210 |
Child Percentage (0-6) | 13.28 % | 10.50 % |
Male Child Percentage | 13.20 % | 10.53 % |
Female Child Percentage | 13.35 % | 10.48 % |
Literates | 3,986,878 | 1,544,779 |
Male Literates | 2,216,852 | 826,425 |
Female Literates | 1,770,026 | 718,354 |
Average Literacy | 75.68 % | 82.67 % |
Male Literacy | 82.14 % | 86.76 % |
Female Literacy | 68.90 % | 78.42 % |
City/Metros in South Twenty Four Parganas District
Urban Agglomerations inside South Twenty Four Parganas District | Population | Male | Female |
There is no Urban Agglomeration inside South Twenty Four Parganas District |
Cities inside South Twenty Four Parganas District | Population | Male | Female |
Maheshtala (Municipality) | 448,317 | 229,693 | 218,624 |
Rajpur Sonarpur (Municipality) | 424,368 | 215,405 | 208,963 |