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Gwalior District - Population 2011-2025

An official Census 2011 detail of Gwalior, a district of Madhya Pradesh has been released by Directorate of Census Operations in Madhya Pradesh. Enumeration of key persons was also done by census officials in Gwalior District of Madhya Pradesh.

In 2011, Gwalior had population of 2,032,036 of which male and female were 1,090,327 and 941,709 respectively. In 2001 census, Gwalior had a population of 1,632,109 of which males were 883,317 and remaining 748,792 were females. Gwalior District population constituted 2.80 percent of total Maharashtra population. In 2001 census, this figure for Gwalior District was at 2.70 percent of Maharashtra population.

There was change of 24.50 percent in the population compared to population as per 2001. In the previous census of India 2001, Gwalior District recorded increase of 26.20 percent to its population compared to 1991.

Gwalior Literacy Rate

Average literacy rate of Gwalior in 2011 were 76.65 compared to 76.65 of 2001. If things are looked out at gender wise, male and female literacy were 84.70 and 67.38 respectively. For 2001 census, same figures stood at 80.36 and 56.40 in Gwalior District. Total literate in Gwalior District were 1,357,210 of which male and female were 803,114 and 554,096 respectively. In 2001, Gwalior District had 955,356 in its district.

Gwalior Sex Ratio

With regards to Sex Ratio in Gwalior, it stood at 864 per 1000 male compared to 2001 census figure of 848. The average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per latest reports of Census 2011 Directorate. In 2011 census, child sex ratio is 840 girls per 1000 boys compared to figure of 853 girls per 1000 boys of 2001 census data.

Gwalior District Religion Data

Description Percentage Population 2011
Hindu 90.32 % 1,835,299
Muslims 6.98 % 141,735
Christian 0.20 % 4,119
Sikh 1.22 % 24,790
Buddhist 0.21 % 4,361
Jain 0.89 % 18,058
Others 0.01 % 217
Not Stated 0.17 % 3,457

Gwalior Population 2024 - 2025

What is the population of Gwalior district in 2025 ? The question though important has no correct answer. The last census of Gwalior was done in 2011 and next census of 2021 has been postponed or cancelled. But we can do projection of future Gwalior 2025 Population on the basis likely Population Growth Rate.

Year Projected Population
2011 2,032,036 20.32 Lakhs
2021 2,450,000 24.55 Lakhs
2022 2,490,000 24.99 Lakhs
2023 2,530,000 25.36 Lakhs
2024 2,560,000 25.69 Lakhs
2025 2,590,000 25.97 Lakhs
2026 2,620,000 26.21 Lakhs
2027 2,640,000 26.41 Lakhs
2028 2,650,000 26.59 Lakhs
2029 2,670,000 26.74 Lakhs
2030 2,680,000 26.87 Lakhs
2031 2,690,000 26.98 Lakhs

Gwalior Population 2011 - 2001

Description 2011 2001
Population 20.32 Lakhs 16.32 Lakhs
Actual Population 2,032,036 1,632,109
Male 1,090,327 883,317
Female 941,709 748,792
Population Growth 24.50% 26.20%
Area Sq. Km 4,560 4,560
Density/km2 446 358
Proportion to Madhya Pradesh Population 2.80% 2.70%
Sex Ratio (Per 1000) 864 848
Child Sex Ratio (0-6 Age) 840 853
Average Literacy 76.65 69.38
Male Literacy 84.70 80.36
Female Literacy 67.38 56.40
Total Child Population (0-6 Age) 261,418 255,076
Child Proportion (0-6 Age) 12.86% 15.63%

Gwalior Child Population

In census enumeration, data regarding child under 0-6 age were also collected for all districts including Gwalior. There were total 261,418 children under age of 0-6 against 255,076 of 2001 census. Of total 261,418 male and female were 142,098 and 119,320 respectively. Child Sex Ratio as per census 2011 was 840 compared to 853 of census 2001. In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 12.86 percent of Gwalior District compared to 15.63 percent of 2001. There was net change of -2.77 percent in this compared to previous census of India.

Gwalior Houseless Data

In 2011, total 1,256 families live on footpath or without any roof cover in Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh. Total Population of all who lived without roof at the time of Census 2011 numbers to 5,265. This approx 0.25909974035893% of total population of Gwalior district.

Gwalior District Density

The initial provisional data released by census India 2011, shows that density of Gwalior district for 2011 is 446 people per sq. km. In 2001, Gwalior district density was at 358 people per sq. km. Gwalior district administers 4,560 square kilometers of areas.

Gwalior District Urban/Rural 2011

Out of the total Gwalior population for 2011 census, 62.69 percent lives in urban regions of district. In total 1,273,792 people lives in urban areas of which males are 680,978 and females are 592,814. Sex Ratio in urban region of Gwalior district is 871 as per 2011 census data. Similarly child sex ratio in Gwalior district was 837 in 2011 census. Child population (0-6) in urban region was 146,465 of which males and females were 79,744 and 66,721. This child population figure of Gwalior district is 11.71 % of total urban population. Average literacy rate in Gwalior district as per census 2011 is 83.19 % of which males and females are 89.17 % and 76.37 % literates respectively. In actual number 937,849 people are literate in urban region of which males and females are 536,097 and 401,752 respectively.

As per 2011 census, 37.31 % population of Gwalior districts lives in rural areas of villages. The total Gwalior district population living in rural areas is 758,244 of which males and females are 409,349 and 348,895 respectively. In rural areas of Gwalior district, sex ratio is 852 females per 1000 males. If child sex ratio data of Gwalior district is considered, figure is 844 girls per 1000 boys. Child population in the age 0-6 is 114,953 in rural areas of which males were 62,354 and females were 52,599. The child population comprises 15.23 % of total rural population of Gwalior district. Literacy rate in rural areas of Gwalior district is 65.19 % as per census data 2011. Gender wise, male and female literacy stood at 76.95 and 51.42 percent respectively. In total, 419,361 people were literate of which males and females were 267,017 and 152,344 respectively.

All details regarding Gwalior District have been processed by us after receiving from Govt. of India. We are not responsible for errors to population census details of Gwalior District.

Description Rural Urban
Population (%) 37.31 % 62.69 %
Total Population 758,244 1,273,792
Male Population 409,349 680,978
Female Population 348,895 592,814
Sex Ratio 852 871
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 844 837
Child Population (0-6) 114,953 146,465
Male Child(0-6) 62,354 79,744
Female Child(0-6) 52,599 66,721
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.16 % 11.50 %
Male Child Percentage 15.23 % 11.71 %
Female Child Percentage 15.08 % 11.25 %
Literates 419,361 937,849
Male Literates 267,017 536,097
Female Literates 152,344 401,752
Average Literacy 65.19 % 83.19 %
Male Literacy 76.95 % 89.17 %
Female Literacy 51.42 % 76.37 %

City/Metros in Gwalior District

Urban Agglomerations inside Gwalior District Population Male Female
Gwalior (Urban Agglomeration) 1,117,740 596,697 521,043
Cities inside Gwalior District Population Male Female
Gwalior (Municipal Corporation) 1,069,276 569,003 500,273