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Chirang District Religion Data - Hindu/Muslim

As per official census 2011 and population data 2025 of Chirang district, Hindu are majority in Chirang state. Total population of Chirang district is 482,162 as per census 2011. Hinduism constitutes 66.50% of Chirang population. Muslims plays important role in electoral of Chirang state forming significant 22.66% of total population. Christian are minority in Chirang state forming significant 10.32% of total population.

District Chirang
Population 482,162
Hindu 66.50 %
Muslim 22.66 %
Christian 10.32 %
Sikh 0.02 %
Buddhist 0.08 %
Jain 0.03 %
Others 0.10 %
Not Available 0.29 %

Towns in Chirang District - Religion 2011

Towns Majority
Hindu Muslim Christian
Basugaon Hindu 90.50% 8.26% 0.23%
Bijni Hindu 97.28% 1.66% 0.84%
Chatibor Gaon Muslim 21.83% 78.10% 0.00%