Jakhama Circle - Kohima
List of all towns and Villages in Jakhama Circle of Kohima district, Nagaland. Complete details of Population, Religion, Literacy and Sex Ratio in tabular format.# | Villages | Circle | Population |
1 | Jakhama Hq | Jakhama | 5,216 |
2 | Jakhama Vill. | Jakhama | 4,695 |
3 | Khuzama | Jakhama | 5,160 |
4 | Kigwe Town | Jakhama | 1,228 |
5 | Kigwema | Jakhama | 3,872 |
6 | Mima | Jakhama | 2,149 |
7 | Pfuchama | Jakhama | 870 |
8 | Phesama | Jakhama | 3,061 |
9 | Sweba | Jakhama | 388 |
10 | Viswema | Jakhama | 7,417 |