Bahuwa is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh. The Bahuwa city is divided into 10 wards for which elections are held every 5 years. The Bahuwa Nagar Panchayat has population of 11,031 of which 5,797 are males while 5,234 are females as per report released by Census India 2011.
Population of Children with age of 0-6 is 1497 which is 13.57 % of total population of Bahuwa (NP). In Bahuwa Nagar Panchayat, Female Sex Ratio is of 903 against state average of 912. Moreover Child Sex Ratio in Bahuwa is around 999 compared to Uttar Pradesh state average of 902. Literacy rate of Bahuwa city is 69.67 % higher than state average of 67.68 %. In Bahuwa, Male literacy is around 77.77 % while female literacy rate is 60.54 %.
Bahuwa Nagar Panchayat has total administration over 1,956 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage. It is also authorize to build roads within Nagar Panchayat limits and impose taxes on properties coming under its jurisdiction.
Bahuwa 2024 - 2025 Population
Current estimated population of Bahuwa Nagar Panchayat in 2025 is approximately
The schedule census of 2021 for Bahuwa city is postponed due to covid. We believe new population census for Bahuwa city will be conducted in 2025 and same will be updated once its done. The current data for Bahuwa town are estimated only but all 2011 figures are accurate.
Bahuwa Caste Factor
Schedule Caste (SC) constitutes 18.59 % of total population in Bahuwa (NP).
The (NP) Bahuwa currently doesn’t have any Schedule Tribe (ST) population.
Bahuwa Work Profile
Out of total population, 3,689 were engaged in work or business activity. Of this 2,910 were males while 779 were females. In census survey, worker is defined as person who does business, job, service, and cultivator and labour activity.
Of total 3689 working population, 73.46 % were engaged in Main Work while 26.54 % of total workers were engaged in Marginal Work.